Level 55
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This player has been modded by the community

reinstated chat..btw ofirr was muted also. if anymore issues w/ him please give me the replay number. thx and gl +chat gnice37 8:30 PM, Sunday February 28, 2021 EST
chat removed till march 1st. told you in the past to let mods handle issues and not to talk that way to players -chat gnice37 8:19 PM, Tuesday February 16, 2021 EST
please follow the rules, please let me know if anymore issues and let us mods handle it...thx and gl +chat gnice37 7:34 PM, Sunday December 22, 2019 EST
you have been warned to many times for this....removing your chat -chat gnice37 3:15 PM, Tuesday November 26, 2019 EST
giving this player another chance...please refrain from talking to kacha...if she happens to call you a name, then please give me the replay number so i can handle it..thx for responding back +chat gnice37 5:54 PM, Monday September 12, 2016 EDT
this is your last warning for calling players names...please post your reasons on my wall or forum so i can know what is going on w/ you and kacha ...-7 days -chat gnice37 1:10 PM, Monday September 12, 2016 EDT
chat reinstated...please respect other players +chat gnice37 4:04 PM, Sunday September 11, 2016 EDT
warned before for language by 2 mods...take 3 days off....respect other players or lose chat permanent -chat gnice37 2:24 PM, Thursday September 8, 2016 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 4 of 4

Who's tiger King
@Legend31398933 on Sunday May 23, 2021
Hi daddy
Ramu the hacker on Wednesday April 28, 2021
NICE chatting with you. pebble": nh MoTownMoe has left bigdaddy3: my prick is fater than u fuckin head lol "pebble": is that all you can do? shows the measure of your intelegence WVHillbilly Pops: this like being in sandbox on the playground lol "pebble": yes thats right you are a fat prick "pebble": i know billy, hes retarded "pebble": shame really bigdaddy3: yep i will stick it in ur arse "pebble": he can't play and type.... bless him WVHillbilly Pops: i same way bigdaddy3: bless my cock the one going to lick lol "pebble": we have to make allowances for the simpleton
"pebble" on Thursday May 9, 2019
He is my test tube daddy
@VunnamRamu on Thursday August 2, 2018
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