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Replies 1 - 5 of 5
gnice37 wrote
at 7:31 PM, Friday May 8, 2020 EDT
i guess you probably figured this out after everyone telling you, but you can't play 2 tournaments at the same time. Please try to pay attn and join only one or the other. If you accidentally join both, just sit out of one. If you happen to play both again, you will be suspended for a period of time...thx and gl
gnice37 wrote
at 10:08 PM, Friday July 20, 2018 EDT
listen bigdaddy....this is your 3rd and final warning about language...you are a good guy and not sure what the issue is, but i received an email w/ you tossing around the F word...if i get anymore reports of it, i will be removing your chat for a period of time....thx and gl
gnice37 wrote
at 5:54 PM, Monday September 12, 2016 EDT
giving this player another chance...please refrain from talking to kacha...if she happens to call you a name, then please give me the replay number so i can handle it..thx for responding back
gnice37 wrote
at 9:36 PM, Tuesday July 26, 2016 EDT
please respect all players...we try to keep this a friendly site...tyvm and good luck.
KC 97 wrote
at 3:41 PM, Wednesday May 4, 2016 EDT
giving you a warning for using the C-word keep the language clean or next time lose your chat...
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