Level 17
to level 18


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
2500 Daily
Jun 2, 12
32nd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $16,250
Members Afternoon
Mar 4, 11
6th $11,400 31 0 3 +2,025 / -3,375 -48 $6,325
Mini Freeroll 2
Jan 15, 11
13th $0 24 0 1 +1,675 / -1,775 -125 $3,450
Members Night
Jan 15, 11
4th $0 11 0 1 +1,675 / -1,775 -136 $3,450
2500 Nightly Remix
Dec 5, 10
14th $0 24 0 3 +2,850 / -7,325 -63 $7,725
Mini Freeroll 2
Nov 19, 10
13th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Members Evening
Nov 19, 10
14th $0 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
Members Afternoon
Nov 19, 10
8th $4,500 24 0 0 +675 / -1,500 -188 $2,150
Members Night
Nov 18, 10
1st $50,000 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
2500 Nightly Remix
Nov 18, 10
29th $0 33 0 4 +2,450 / -1,550 +136 $6,224

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
July 2012 1,539th $1,525 2 0 0 +75 / -50 +13 $1,575
June 2012 3,187th $0 193 23 30 +19,756 / -25,145 -174 $59,706
March 2011 697th $11,400 12 0 3 +26,300 / -31,800 -1,250 $62,800
January 2011 3,193rd $1,316 15 3 0 +500 / -8,300 -1,212 $15,300
December 2010 4,123rd $0 198 22 22 +21,150 / -18,300 -241 $39,949
November 2010 6,364th $0 895 160 138 +25,000 / -58,043 -303 $127,862
October 2010 946th $7,525 1,335 278 163 +101,328 / -79,156 -399 $182,656
September 2010 5,135th $0 98 19 7 +8,400 / -19,600 -592 $34,550
August 2010 6,254th $0 1,802 338 216 +21,812 / -102,000 -361 $228,295
July 2010 4,029th $0 785 134 96 +83,237 / -100,000 -297 $160,974
June 2010 6,761st $0 476 59 62 +21,000 / -20,000 -196 $54,125
May 2010 4,949th $0 661 112 102 +39,800 / -41,270 -258 $66,052
April 2010 5,392nd $0 1,352 285 197 +28,300 / -60,498 -338 $93,900
March 2010 7,884th $0 33 7 1 +3,050 / -4,950 -364 $6,450
February 2010 4,781st $0 474 75 92 +66,000 / -79,005 -263 $391,299
January 2010 3,086th $1,500 1,289 236 213 +83,782 / -98,342 -380 $290,878
December 2009 9,344th $0 867 123 111 +38,500 / -66,000 -198 $84,076
November 2009 488th $33,254 208 33 19 +86,652 / -60,000 -88 $184,604
October 2009 3,178th $1,500 48 14 7 +6,125 / -11,156 -750 $25,075
September 2009 2,674th $1,500 509 98 74 +15,516 / -19,900 -342 $40,058
August 2009 4,754th $400 3,068 446 373 +85,372 / -104,508 -203 $210,075
July 2009 5,606th $0 2,493 346 338 +59,000 / -88,900 -239 $172,324
June 2009 6,652nd $0 2,566 350 436 +77,618 / -103,500 -216 $197,736
May 2009 10,367th $0 4,705 718 634 +118,000 / -111,000 -228 $583,377
April 2009 3,130th $1,500 2,500 479 320 +43,900 / -100,000 -332 $131,500
March 2009 3,297th $1,500 3,070 515 374 +82,596 / -89,785 -281 $233,210
February 2009 10,794th $0 1,175 199 136 +34,132 / -26,600 -230 $73,415
January 2009 10,725th $0 1,018 135 139 +859,750 / -500,000 +996 $2,916,662
November 2008 7,464th $0 373 59 38 +23,887 / -20,400 -195 $59,662
October 2008 6,068th $0 585 50 78 +52,058 / -91,973 -131 $113,173
September 2008 3,452nd $1,375 3 0 0 -25 / -50 -42 $1,450
September 2007 13,127th $0 0 12 0 +11,575 / -31,075 +0 $2,700
August 2007 14,250th $0 0 23 0 +76,529 / -112,529 +0 $8,025
July 2007 349th $73,382 0 1 0 +243,314 / -172,932 +0 $46,903
June 2007 725th $27,501 0 1 0 +77,176 / -52,675 +0 $8,200
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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