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dasfury: guess its impossible to teach a frenchman that failiing is not ok
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olkainry38 wrote
at 9:58 AM, Saturday August 8, 2009 EDT
You do not have to hate me coz you can't beat me ;)
olkainry38 wrote
at 7:05 AM, Wednesday August 5, 2009 EDT
BUCKDAWG defended 6v2, 6 to 8, (1,1,1,1,1,1 to 6,2)
olkainry38 wrote
at 6:37 AM, Friday April 17, 2009 EDT
Beware to the false olkainry38 account.

He's a douche, exactly the same name but not me, check the career to be sure..
olkainry38 wrote
at 9:08 AM, Thursday April 9, 2009 EDT
The PANDA crew is BORN
olkainry38 wrote
at 11:28 AM, Monday March 16, 2009 EDT
Ryan je t'EMMERDE avec ma luck pourrie..

ET me sort pas du 45 % quand je passe pas une seule attaque dans une partie

Jeu de merde va

Ryan de merde
olkainry38 wrote
at 9:39 AM, Tuesday March 3, 2009 EST
Take your real account to tell BS little child
pepecoIo wrote
at 5:03 AM, Tuesday March 3, 2009 EST
Hi there PGA buddy ;-)
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