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annat wrote
at 8:33 PM, Monday June 29, 2009 EDT
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey V!!!!! Thanks for the note. How are ya hun? ZOZOZOZOZOZOZOZO :D
Rabid Womble wrote
at 10:56 AM, Friday June 26, 2009 EDT
Don't worry about it, altho it's probably better talking somewhere other than a table cos there seem to be some losers who have nothing better to do than spy and create trouble xxx
Rabid Womble wrote
at 4:14 AM, Friday June 26, 2009 EDT
Think it's better you didn't get the Kayne West one as it makes absolutely no sense, I have a few more which I will hurt your brain with soon.

Ive seen what RG has wrote in forum and reviews and she is quite clearly out of her trolley. She needs a team of psychiatrists studying her around the clock. The only one who should be banned is her for everyones benefit xxx
Rabid Womble wrote
at 12:00 PM, Thursday June 25, 2009 EDT
Initial B one is Brit-knee - Britney - karl just used first name for that one and english thing is pretty mis-leading

K.W is utterly insane - karl says the instructor would say 'Can we Rest' and with the speech impedement it becomes Kanye West

Brilliant I think you will agree lol xxx
Rabid Womble wrote
at 5:32 PM, Wednesday June 24, 2009 EDT
Let me know when you want the answers, they might anger you after all this thinking tho xxx
Rabid Womble wrote
at 6:08 AM, Wednesday June 24, 2009 EDT
This is what Gervais said about the K.W rockbuster - 'That is bollocks, you're an idiot!' so good luck with it :D xxx
misst56 wrote
at 12:29 AM, Wednesday June 24, 2009 EDT
HI vik, hope things are good with you and i will bbs xxxx :)
Rabid Womble wrote
at 12:28 PM, Tuesday June 23, 2009 EDT
Nice work V, the other 2 are pretty mental really if you get em I will be shocked xxx
panties wrote
at 10:28 AM, Tuesday June 23, 2009 EDT
i never see you anymore, but i never stop loving you girly....
Rabid Womble wrote
at 9:41 AM, Tuesday June 23, 2009 EDT
oops that kind of messed up, dont know how! Ill try again

initial B - I dont want to be that far away from the river, I wanna be right on top of it

initial B - That part of my leg is English

initial K.W - The fitness teacher has got a speech impedement

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