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panties wrote
at 6:13 AM, Saturday March 21, 2009 EDT
there was a wee girl called vikks
she was a delightful scottish miss
she loved her poker
was a bit of a joker
and i am sure pleased to know her

what i do on the trams to work these days ha ha. hope you are well girly. miss ya. jan xxxx
ThamesBoy wrote
at 6:32 PM, Friday March 13, 2009 EDT
1st holdempoker $+167,096
2nd IsisBoy $+101,824
3rd Country Girl $+73,104
4th Frank Booth $+57,439
5th FouCaulT!! $+41,774
6th Danyy 09 $+31,330
7th flo-flo $+20,887
8th Yayas $+15,665
9th DJ23 $+13,054
ThamesBoy wrote
at 6:32 PM, Friday March 13, 2009 EDT
IsisBoy finishes the tournament 2nd and wins $101,824
pebbles of Gold wrote
at 10:16 PM, Thursday March 12, 2009 EDT
Thank You for the kind Birthday wishes ;) I see your still kicking ass keep it up tc & gl lots of ((hugs))
vikkib33 wrote
at 3:56 AM, Thursday March 12, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Jh, Kh]
2plus2equals5 calls
mantom raises $1,500
Isodoom folds
cheyne folds
szitko sits in
drive1 raises $1,625
szitko folds
vikkib33 calls
2plus2equals5 calls
Dealing flop: [Th, 3s, Qs]
vikkib33 checks
TheTurk takes a seat
TheTurk stands up
2plus2equals5 bets $1,260
vikkib33 calls
Dealing turn: [9h]
Dealing river: [Qh]
vikkib33 shows [Jh, Kh] for a straight flush King high
2plus2equals5 shows [Ts, 6s] for two pair, Queens and tens
mantom shows [7s, Ad] for a pair of Queens
drive1 shows [6d, As] for a pair of Queens
vikkib33 wins main pot $6,025
vikkib33 wins side pot $375
vikkib33 wins side pot $2,520
mantom stands up
drive1 stands up
vikkib33 wrote
at 5:38 PM, Wednesday March 11, 2009 EDT
Love dem As :D lol

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [As, Ac]
chips for me calls
koolaidkid raises $100
vikkib33 raises $1,500
vishnu calls
Rocco20 raises $1,625
mmmm folds
turnipgreen calls
kirkSR folds
chips for me calls
koolaidkid calls
vikkib33 raises $3,450
vishnu folds
turnipgreen calls
koolaidkid calls
Dealing flop: [Qh, 5h, 8c]
Dealing turn: [Kc]
Dealing river: [3h]
Rocco20 shows [Jc, Ks] for a pair of Kings
turnipgreen shows [9c, Jd] for King high
chips for me shows [8s, Js] for a pair of eights
koolaidkid shows [9s, 9d] for a pair of nines
vikkib33 shows [As, Ac] for a pair of Aces
vikkib33 wins main pot $6,950
vikkib33 wins side pot $2,300
vikkib33 wins side pot $7,872
vikkib33 wins side pot $1,402
vikkib33 wins side pot $50
Rocco20 stands up
vikkib33 wrote
at 3:07 PM, Monday March 9, 2009 EDT
My first tourney str8 flush :D .............

old grey hair shows [8h, 9h] for two pair, Kings and eights
vikkib33 shows [7d, 9d] for a straight flush nine high
madness14 shows [4d, Ts] for a pair of Kings
vikkib33 wins main pot $2,700
vikkib33 wins side pot $4,600
old grey hair wins side pot $900

(came 5th in the end if yer interested :D lol)
panties wrote
at 8:32 AM, Monday March 9, 2009 EDT
i am humbled in your presence. i canny rhyme, nor offer sweet words. you have my gpokr heart tho miss. vikks is the best chick here. luv your guts sooooo much!!!!
ThamesBoy wrote
at 4:06 AM, Saturday March 7, 2009 EST
forgot to say... the other player had A2
ThamesBoy wrote
at 4:04 AM, Saturday March 7, 2009 EST
This is terrible..... had a dream about gpokr last night.

Had KK... went all in (Biiiiigggg money). Another player called.

flop: 9 10 J
turn: Q
river: K

seee.... even with KK in my dreams, I can't win with it!!!!
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