Level 81
to level 82


gpokr is a ghost town tonight...
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good 2 go +play gnice37 7:14 PM, Friday May 23, 2014 EDT
away losing blinds -play gnice37 7:13 PM, Friday May 23, 2014 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 7 of 7

a good dude. careful of the sweet talk lol!
Created on Tuesday October 31, 2023
Nice going mt8 Snoods
Snoods on Thursday May 16, 2013
307307 on Tuesday April 17, 2012
Hi Amoos :-) hope u r having a great Sunday, have a wonderful day!!! See u around soon ;-) xoxoxoxo
Colitas on Sunday November 27, 2011
Amoos:) Regardless of what did or did not happen in the past~I have a very forgiving heart and ~yes~I am a CHRISTIAN. I may not seem like it sometimes but that comes with me being human and not perfect! And, of course, none of us are~not even one. Now~~~I wish you the best always:) I, also, hope all your hopes and dreams come true!!!! ONE DAY AT A TIME is my favorite gospel song and this is the way I live and hope you will too!! Take care and my thoughts and prayers are with you:) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Country Girl on Thursday July 17, 2008
You are a wise and kind person. I wish you much happiness and relief from all anxiety...Julia, aka, Impatient
Impatient on Monday July 14, 2008
you have to play a lot of hands to stay at the top.
jack ramsland on Saturday June 28, 2008
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
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