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Em Em wrote
at 3:09 PM, Sunday November 1, 2009 EST
I'm back... for this month maybe.
Em Em wrote
at 8:45 PM, Wednesday December 3, 2008 EST
Thats cool :)
I still don't feel like playing this :( Once I got away from it, .... Im bored of it. Maybe it's because your not on anymore either hah.
Em Em wrote
at 11:43 PM, Thursday November 20, 2008 EST
aren't playing much either I see. I haven't felt like playing lately. plus I went to montana for almost a month...
hows things going over there?
Em Em wrote
at 6:59 PM, Wednesday October 15, 2008 EDT
lmao, i read you comment on cinders wall.. You said you guys were neck and neck, and you wouldn't let her pass you... its gonna take a miracle to pass her now.
Em Em wrote
at 6:54 PM, Wednesday October 15, 2008 EDT
:) :) :)

Em Em wrote
at 1:25 PM, Wednesday October 15, 2008 EDT
HEY!!!! Im finally at 75k. :)
Em Em wrote
at 2:10 PM, Sunday October 12, 2008 EDT
still about 16k to go til I can play with you :(
Em Em wrote
at 10:56 AM, Wednesday October 8, 2008 EDT
aw moosie, your in 5th place.... next to me.
Em Em wrote
at 8:14 PM, Tuesday October 7, 2008 EDT
Im watching the debate too.... If you could vote, who would you vote for? Im still undecided. Everyone here seems to like McCain here, but I personally like obama... from watching the debate.
Em Em wrote
at 4:05 PM, Tuesday October 7, 2008 EDT
my mom came home from work today.... she hurt her eye though... kinda funny how it happened... but not at the same time. lol....

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