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Em Em wrote
at 5:45 PM, Monday October 6, 2008 EDT
there are two 10k rooms... why go to 1.5?
Em Em wrote
at 2:19 PM, Monday October 6, 2008 EDT
What do you mean your going to try something new? be back in 5 minutes?... just curious.
Em Em wrote
at 7:37 PM, Sunday October 5, 2008 EDT
Phone call this time. :( now your gone....
Em Em wrote
at 5:10 PM, Sunday October 5, 2008 EDT
Hey. I'm missing you ;(
I was in the middle of trying to figure out how to fix my wireless internet, because it kept going in and out. Im back on the desktop now, and your done. So sad. lol
Marice wrote
at 4:28 AM, Tuesday September 9, 2008 EDT
((((hugs))) I'm sorry.
Marice wrote
at 2:17 PM, Saturday August 2, 2008 EDT
Yes I am, are you?
Marice wrote
at 11:48 PM, Sunday July 20, 2008 EDT
Hey my Lucky Moosey friend. Love the avatar btw. You are a real nice guy.
Combat18 wrote
at 7:38 PM, Wednesday July 2, 2008 EDT
Hey man! How are you?!
BoredAtWork531 wrote
at 9:27 PM, Monday June 30, 2008 EDT
booo for work! = )
ScotsLaw wrote
at 10:00 PM, Sunday June 29, 2008 EDT
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
Texas Holdem Poker
Online Strategy
Online Pictionary