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« First ‹ Previous Replies 211 - 220 of 311 Next › Last »
taratata7676 wrote
at 5:50 PM, Tuesday December 1, 2009 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4s, 7s]
taratata7676 calls
globule raises $100
WhoMe2 calls
SolidWood calls
taratata7676 calls
Dealing flop: [3c, 5s, 6s]
WhoMe2 checks
SolidWood checks
taratata7676 bets $50
globule raises $100
WhoMe2 folds
SolidWood calls
taratata7676 raises $500
globule calls
SolidWood calls
Dealing turn: [3s]
SolidWood checks
taratata7676 bets $50
globule calls
SolidWood calls
Dealing river: [Ts]
SolidWood folds
taratata7676 bets $400
globule calls
taratata7676 shows [4s, 7s] for a straight flush seven high
globule shows [9s, Kc] for a flush ten high
taratata7676 wins main pot $3,000
taratata7676 wrote
at 6:35 AM, Thursday November 26, 2009 EST
i was a lucky asshole on this hand....

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Td, Ac]
U 90Degrees checks
Oika calls
taratata7676 raises $1,100
Barry takes a seat
GavGi calls
akindia folds
U 90Degrees folds
Oika folds
Dealing flop: [5d, 5h, 4c]
U 90Degrees stands up
GavGi checks
taratata7676 bets $1,800
GavGi calls
Dealing turn: [5s]
GavGi checks
taratata7676 bets $4,200
GavGi calls
Dealing river: [5c]
GavGi checks
taratata7676 bets $13,825
GavGi calls
taratata7676 shows [Td, Ac] for four fives
GavGi shows [7s, 7h] for four fives
taratata7676 wins main pot $40,600
taratata7676 wins side pot $925
GavGi stands up

sorry GavGi
taratata7676 wrote
at 5:23 PM, Tuesday November 24, 2009 EST

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9c, Jh]
taratata7676 calls
Linkin's Dad calls
djoen sits out
djoen folds
davisanico takes a seat
djoen sits in
the reg dog calls
zems checks
Dealing flop: [9d, Jc, Th]
the reg dog checks
zems bets $200
taratata7676 raises $800
Linkin's Dad calls
the reg dog calls
zems calls
Dealing turn: [2c]
the reg dog checks
zems bets $200
taratata7676 raises $20,000
Linkin's Dad calls
the reg dog calls
zems folds
Dealing river: [Ks]
taratata7676 shows [9c, Jh] for two pair, Jacks and nines
Linkin's Dad shows [Jd, Qc] for a straight King high
the reg dog shows [7c, Kc] for a pair of Kings
Linkin's Dad wins main pot $35,700
Linkin's Dad wins side pot $19,000
taratata7676 stands up
the reg dog stands up
taratata7676 wrote
at 5:09 PM, Tuesday November 24, 2009 EST
taratata7676 wrote
at 5:09 PM, Tuesday November 24, 2009 EST
asshole number 2

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Tc, Jh]
Floydus raises $400
Ekkies calls
taratata7676 calls
Linkin's Dad calls
Dealing flop: [5c, 7d, Jc]
taratata7676 checks
Linkin's Dad checks
Floydus bets $1,000
Ekkies folds
taratata7676 calls
Linkin's Dad calls
Dealing turn: [3h]
taratata7676 checks
Linkin's Dad bets $1,200
Floydus calls
taratata7676 raises $6,400
Linkin's Dad calls
Floydus folds
Dealing river: [4c]
taratata7676 bets $6,800
Linkin's Dad calls
taratata7676 shows [Tc, Jh] for a pair of Jacks
Linkin's Dad shows [6s, 9s] for a straight seven high
Linkin's Dad wins main pot $32,200
taratata7676 stands up
taratata7676 wrote
at 4:08 PM, Tuesday November 24, 2009 EST

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qs, Kc]
rhhfla calls
taratata7676 raises $800
spud2009 calls
Basic Barfly folds
A&8 folds
rhhfla folds
Dealing flop: [Td, Ah, 3s]
taratata7676 bets $500
spud2009 calls
Dealing turn: [5h]
taratata7676 bets $2,000
spud2009 calls
Dealing river: [7c]
concrete guy takes a seat
taratata7676 bets $2,000
spud2009 calls
spud2009 shows [Jd, 5s] for a pair of fives
taratata7676 shows [Qs, Kc] for Ace high
spud2009 wins main pot $11,500
taratata7676 wrote
at 4:33 PM, Wednesday November 18, 2009 EST
stop chasing fucking luckers !

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9h, 9c]
izik52 raises $10,000
Javipu14 folds
ace... calls
actionguy9 calls
taratata7676 calls
_BLizZaRd_ folds
chemical chris calls
E. T. calls
71181 calls
Dealing flop: [3c, 2s, 7s]
E. T. checks
71181 checks
izik52 bets $30,000
ace... calls
actionguy9 folds
taratata7676 raises $90,000
chemical chris folds
E. T. folds
71181 folds
izik52 calls
ace... calls
Dealing turn: [Td]
izik52 bets $100,000
ace... sits out
ace... folds
taratata7676 calls
Dealing river: [Qd]
izik52 bets $225,000
taratata7676 calls
ace... sits in
izik52 shows [As, Ts] for a pair of tens
taratata7676 shows [9h, 9c] for a pair of nines
izik52 wins main pot $990,000
taratata7676 wrote
at 11:51 AM, Wednesday November 18, 2009 EST
first hand at the table !! fucking hand ...

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qh, Qc]
Pr0pheT calls
taratata7676 raises $7,000
KamaKaZiDonKieZ folds
chemical chris folds
JonasAlCaponas folds
rawksupastar calls
srdavebetterhalf folds
perchbait folds
Pr0pheT folds
Dealing flop: [2c, Th, 9c]
taratata7676 bets $15,000
rawksupastar raises $30,000
taratata7676 calls
Dealing turn: [Kc]
taratata7676 bets $10,000
rawksupastar raises $20,000
taratata7676 calls
Dealing river: [Ts]
taratata7676 bets $1,000
rawksupastar raises $41,500
taratata7676 calls
rawksupastar shows [Tc, Td] for four tens
taratata7676 shows [Qh, Qc] for two pair, Queens and tens
rawksupastar wins main pot $201,500
taratata7676 wrote
at 5:08 PM, Tuesday November 17, 2009 EST

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ac, Ah]
pishkashi takes a seat
Hanky84 sits out
Hanky84 folds
kneejob calls
*GHOST* sits in
justin shanks folds
*GHOST* calls
Beach raises $3,000
Hanky84 sits in
_BLizZaRd_ calls
justin shanks sits out
taratata7676 raises $7,500
sprigett folds
kneejob folds
*GHOST* calls
Beach calls
_BLizZaRd_ calls
Dealing flop: [Qc, Ad, 7s]
taratata7676 checks
*GHOST* checks
Beach checks
_BLizZaRd_ checks
Dealing turn: [Qd]
taratata7676 bets $4,000
*GHOST* calls
Beach calls
_BLizZaRd_ folds
Dealing river: [As]
taratata7676 bets $25,000
*GHOST* calls
Beach folds
*GHOST* shows [Jd, Qs] for a full house, Queens full of Aces
taratata7676 shows [Ac, Ah] for four Aces
taratata7676 wins main pot $96,000
taratata7676 wrote
at 4:22 PM, Monday November 2, 2009 EST
fucking game

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kh, Ks]
taratata7676 raises $1,450
krapa sits out
jay eire folds
ish32 folds
Car Guy folds
DSalyer calls
krapa stands up
franklyghost calls
sanx folds
shattuckstud calls
Dealing flop: [Qd, Kd, Ad]
shattuckstud checks
DSalyer checks
franklyghost bets $350
shattuckstud calls
DSalyer calls
Dealing turn: [9d]
shattuckstud bets $3,000
DSalyer folds
Dealing river: [8d]
franklyghost shows [5c, 2c] for a flush Ace high
shattuckstud shows [7c, Td] for a flush Ace high
taratata7676 shows [Kh, Ks] for a flush Ace high
shattuckstud wins main pot $6,025
shattuckstud wins side pot $1,050
shattuckstud wins side pot $3,000
franklyghost stands up
taratata7676 stands up
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