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« First ‹ Previous Replies 221 - 230 of 311 Next › Last »
taratata7676 wrote
at 6:07 PM, Tuesday October 27, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5s, 7s]
Beach calls
borneo calls
gibnna calls
taratata7676 calls
minet125 calls
d langton checks
Dealing flop: [Ts, 9s, Js]
minet125 checks
d langton checks
Beach bets $600
borneo calls
gibnna calls
taratata7676 raises $2,800
minet125 folds
d langton folds
Beach folds
borneo calls
gibnna folds
Dealing turn: [Th]
borneo checks
taratata7676 bets $7,700
borneo calls
Dealing river: [8s]
borneo bets $10,062
taratata7676 calls
borneo shows [5h, Ks] for a flush King high
taratata7676 shows [5s, 7s] for a straight flush Jack high
taratata7676 wins main pot $37,400
borneo wins side pot $3,062
taratata7676 wrote
at 6:56 AM, Monday October 26, 2009 EDT
what nice player....he does not like criticism

taratata7676: how he can call that.....
mark07: who
taratata7676: u
mark07: fuck off dickhead look again
john27 is here
john27 has left
taratata7676: nice language
mark07: oh ive got better if you want it
taratata7676: va te faire enculer ok ?
taratata7676: sale con
mark07: thats it talk shit in italian
taratata7676: play
mark07: well speak english
taratata7676: stfu
mark07: dickhead
taratata7676: ...
mark07: ill kill you
taratata7676: ok ok...
mark07: because you lost
taratata7676: ok...stfu now ? please ?
mark07: jo ill give you it back if you want mate
aussiejo: thats ok
mark07: dickhead
AssoKappa is here
mark07: heres another one
mark07: well nice playing here gl aussie
aussiejo: thanks
taratata7676 wrote
at 9:11 PM, Sunday October 25, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5h, 3h]
deer folds
Doe Doe calls
taratata7676 checks
C7 calls
Dragon Fire raises $800
Stillwell folds
Chaffy calls
deer stands up
gezza45 calls
Doe Doe calls
taratata7676 calls
C7 calls
Dealing flop: [Ah, 4s, 4h]
Chaffy checks
gezza45 checks
Doe Doe checks
taratata7676 bets $500
C7 calls
Dragon Fire calls
Chaffy calls
gezza45 folds
Doe Doe folds
Dealing turn: [Jh]
Chaffy checks
taratata7676 bets $500
C7 calls
Dragon Fire calls
Chaffy calls
JoFan takes a seat
Dealing river: [2h]
Chaffy checks
taratata7676 bets $2,000
boyduck1 takes a seat
C7 calls
Dragon Fire folds
Chaffy folds
taratata7676 shows [5h, 3h] for a straight flush five high
C7 shows [As, 8d] for two pair, Aces and fours
taratata7676 wins main pot $12,800
taratata7676 wrote
at 7:19 PM, Sunday October 25, 2009 EDT

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qs, Qc]
JohnnyCash raises $400
taratata7676 raises $3,000
bo71 calls
SEAHAWX1 folds
JohnnyCash calls
Dealing flop: [4c, 8s, 5s]
bo71 bets $3,200
JohnnyCash calls
taratata7676 raises $16,800
bo71 calls
JohnnyCash calls
Dealing turn: [3c]
Dealing river: [2c]
JohnnyCash shows [Kd, Ad] for a straight five high
taratata7676 shows [Qs, Qc] for a pair of Queens
bo71 shows [Jd, 4s] for a pair of fours
JohnnyCash wins main pot $45,728
JohnnyCash wins side pot $9,248
taratata7676 stands up
bo71 stands up
taratata7676 takes a seat
taratata7676 wrote
at 4:52 PM, Monday October 5, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Js, Jc]
gibnna raises $100
generalc calls
Big Cuddles calls
chipsahoy calls
agentt008 folds
taratata7676 raises $1,400
gibnna calls
generalc calls
Big Cuddles folds
chipsahoy folds
Dealing flop: [Ad, 2d, 5h]
taratata7676 bets $900
gibnna calls
generalc folds
Dealing turn: [6d]
Big Cuddles sits out
taratata7676 bets $1,800
gibnna calls
Dealing river: [4c]
taratata7676 shows [Js, Jc] for a pair of Jacks
gibnna shows [3c, 9c] for a straight six high
gibnna wins main pot $9,799
taratata7676 wins side pot $88
taratata7676 wrote
at 6:10 PM, Sunday October 4, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qd, 9d]
JPM23 calls
taratata7676 raises $100
JPM23 calls
Dealing flop: [6c, Td, Ts]
Dealing turn: [Jd]
Dealing river: [8d]
JPM23 shows [4c, 9s] for a pair of tens
taratata7676 shows [Qd, 9d] for a straight flush Queen high
taratata7676 wins main pot $300
taratata7676 wrote
at 4:11 PM, Sunday October 4, 2009 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [4d, 7c]
taratata7676 calls
Prinz raises $450
IronSaviour calls
c2288 calls
nahraj folds
taratata7676 calls
Dealing flop: [Qc, 7h, 4h]
c2288 checks
taratata7676 checks
Prinz bets $1,150
IronSaviour folds
c2288 folds
taratata7676 raises $3,400
Prinz raises $4,500
Dealing turn: [7s]
Dealing river: [7d]
taratata7676 shows [4d, 7c] for four sevens
Prinz shows [Js, Qh] for a full house, sevens full of Queens
taratata7676 wins main pot $8,650
Prinz wins side pot $2,250
c2288 stands up
taratata7676 wrote
at 5:30 PM, Thursday September 17, 2009 EDT
how lose 1 million in 1 hour :

taratata7676 wrote
at 5:28 PM, Thursday September 17, 2009 EDT

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ad, Ah]
ciccia folds
taratata7676 raises $25,000
maveryk folds
Roddy folds
Chaffy folds
henkie2600 folds
jrwilliams calls
Wyatt_Linklater folds
Dealing flop: [Qh, Qd, Jd]
jrwilliams checks
taratata7676 bets $25,000
jrwilliams calls
Dealing turn: [7d]
jrwilliams checks
taratata7676 bets $419,228
jrwilliams calls
Dealing river: [Jh]
taratata7676 shows [Ad, Ah] for two pair, Aces and Queens
jrwilliams shows [Ks, Qs] for a full house, Queens full of Jacks
jrwilliams wins main pot $943,456
taratata7676 stands up
taratata7676 wrote
at 4:44 PM, Thursday September 17, 2009 EDT

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Jh, 8c]
Roddy calls
Chaffy calls
taratata7676 calls
Dari calls
lollypop007 calls
maveryk checks
Dealing flop: [4h, 3c, 8h]
lollypop007 checks
maveryk checks
Roddy checks
Chaffy checks
taratata7676 bets $15,000
Dari calls
lollypop007 folds
maveryk folds
Roddy folds
Chaffy folds
Dealing turn: [2s]
taratata7676 bets $15,000
Dari calls
Dealing river: [2h]
lollypop007 stands up
lollypop007 takes a seat
taratata7676 bets $20,000
Dari raises $40,000
taratata7676 calls
taratata7676 shows [Jh, 8c] for two pair, eights and twos
Dari shows [Ah, 7h] for a flush Ace high
Dari wins main pot $170,000
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