Level 25
to level 26


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Europe Freeroll
Jul 6, 17
21st $0 1 0 0 +0 / -1,500 -1,500 $0
2500 Nightly
Apr 7, 15
13th $0 17 0 0 +150 / -1,300 -176 $2,975
Mini Freeroll 3
Apr 7, 15
27th $0 12 0 0 +150 / -1,300 -125 $2,975
Mini Freeroll 3
Apr 1, 15
9th $0 14 0 0 +237 / -400 -107 $0
Mini Freeroll 3
Oct 3, 14
15th $0 13 0 0 +87 / -400 -115 $3,150
Mini Freeroll 3
Jul 9, 14
13th $0 12 0 0 -25 / -400 -125 $1,450
Europe Freeroll
Nov 6, 13
8th $0 13 0 0 -25 / -225 -115 $4,239
Mini Freeroll 2
May 23, 13
10th $0 18 0 0 +600 / -800 -83 $0
Europe Freeroll
Nov 28, 12
17th $0 13 0 3 +4,500 / -5,787 -115 $0
Mini Freeroll 1
Nov 9, 11
24th $0 20 0 2 +1,975 / -1,800 -75 $4,750

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
July 2017 280th $26,447 166 1 8 +6,750 / -4,178 +94 $26,747
January 2016 1,557th $0 5 1 0 +475 / -1,500 -600 $1,925
July 2015 1,799th $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,250 -650 $1,500
April 2015 1,427th $0 23 3 2 +2,245 / -2,660 -152 $4,425
March 2015 1,822nd $0 10 0 0 +300 / -1,300 -300 $1,650
October 2014 1,031st $1,500 9 1 0 +1,675 / -2,900 -500 $3,175
September 2014 1,283rd $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,400 -500 $1,500
August 2014 2,537th $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,050 -500 $1,500
July 2014 1,999th $0 30 0 4 +4,250 / -6,125 -50 $7,575
June 2014 1,750th $0 17 4 0 +650 / -3,625 -654 $3,625
May 2014 721st $2,932 15 1 1 +4,450 / -1,500 -5 $5,950
April 2014 2,261st $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1,500
February 2014 1,954th $0 101 1 5 +10,300 / -12,600 -30 $35,453
January 2014 1,665th $725 10 0 0 +1,550 / -1,475 -77 $3,050
November 2013 799th $4,239 14 0 1 +8,675 / -5,433 +196 $12,050
September 2013 1,011th $1,650 55 1 2 +5,275 / -4,450 -25 $10,275
August 2013 1,028th $2,300 18 1 2 +1,525 / -1,725 -39 $3,175
July 2013 1,362nd $1,500 12 1 0 +300 / -1,500 -250 $1,775
June 2013 1,358th $1,500 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $1,500
May 2013 3,033rd $0 23 4 2 +4,425 / -4,400 -326 $6,825
February 2013 3,531st $0 3 0 0 +666 / -2,165 -500 $2,166
November 2012 2,492nd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
September 2012 2,944th $0 13 0 3 +6,325 / -5,000 -115 $10,717
August 2012 3,678th $0 3 0 0 -50 / -1,250 -500 $1,500
May 2012 1,346th $2,925 83 8 5 +16,300 / -19,800 -246 $44,449
April 2012 1,614th $1,500 30 2 2 +4,560 / -4,940 -150 $5,730
March 2012 3,200th $0 2 0 0 +1,600 / -3,100 -750 $3,100
January 2012 5,096th $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
December 2011 4,388th $0 4 0 0 -50 / -1,350 -375 $1,500
November 2011 5,582nd $0 88 3 2 +1,675 / -1,800 -68 $3,485
October 2011 713th $11,205 52 1 7 +6,590 / -5,300 +158 $11,555
September 2011 335th $34,183 41 0 14 +8,514 / -3,500 +818 $41,383
April 2011 1,171st $4,675 13 0 0 +2,375 / -975 +244 $2,500
March 2011 4,522nd $0 1 0 0 -1,500 / -1,500 -1,500 $1,500
February 2011 1,039th $5,572 133 11 13 +12,313 / -14,850 -93 $27,000
January 2011 3,175th $1,350 33 1 5 +9,400 / -13,300 -50 $21,300
January 2010 9,198th $0 8 0 0 +100 / -1,150 -188 $1,600
December 2009 632nd $25,504 50 1 2 +13,801 / -1,600 +450 $14,600
November 2009 7,608th $0 178 6 22 +12,300 / -18,800 -76 $31,462
October 2009 5,771st $0 369 33 36 +12,050 / -17,473 -140 $23,462
September 2009 6,840th $0 268 28 25 +10,587 / -8,195 -162 $27,600
July 2009 2,746th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
May 2009 3,836th $1,500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2009 90th $748,427 1,359 73 111 +140,000 / -96,000 +383 $725,927
March 2009 2,846th $1,650 615 38 61 +39,200 / -26,200 -62 $89,550
February 2009 2,216th $4,151 1,876 40 228 +21,500 / -100,000 +18 $207,914
January 2009 10,245th $0 11 2 0 +625 / -1,950 -409 $2,125
December 2008 11,386th $0 42 2 1 +4,113 / -6,676 -107 $6,776
November 2008 4,769th $1,450 2 2 0 -50 / -1,500 -775 $1,500
October 2008 3,188th $1,450 129 12 10 +10,700 / -26,100 -151 $26,349
September 2008 2,829th $1,500 67 15 2 +6,750 / -4,662 -358 $10,450
August 2008 4,346th $900 135 14 12 +9,850 / -5,450 -171 $26,161
July 2008 8,074th $0 1,274 194 0 +29,506 / -40,000 +0 $84,289
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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