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mcab wrote
at 8:05 AM, Friday March 5, 2010 EST
What is there to say, when all the superlatives have already been used to describe this woman of great mystery?
john27 wrote
at 3:41 PM, Monday March 1, 2010 EST
ty for my messgae hun xx
skydog1 wrote
at 3:00 PM, Monday March 1, 2010 EST
Thanks for the note Karin. Good luck in March!
chemical chris wrote
at 7:17 AM, Saturday February 27, 2010 EST
YAY,,,love bumps!!!!! better? once again im sorry im a drunken turd..*ashamed*,,,,you know your the cheese on my taco,,,love ya babe,,,xoxoxoxoxoxxoxo chem
chemical chris wrote
at 7:17 AM, Saturday February 27, 2010 EST
chemical chris wrote
at 7:17 AM, Saturday February 27, 2010 EST
chemical chris wrote
at 7:16 AM, Saturday February 27, 2010 EST
chemical chris wrote
at 7:16 AM, Saturday February 27, 2010 EST
chemical chris wrote
at 7:15 AM, Saturday February 27, 2010 EST
kellykellymoore wrote
at 11:59 PM, Friday February 19, 2010 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 7c]
bigspender calls
the stud calls
kellykellymoore calls
myerlyn calls
chemical chris raises $225
Jdub! takes a seat
RiCH@rd Cr@niUM raises $4,000
bigspender folds
the stud calls
kellykellymoore calls
myerlyn folds
Dealing flop: [7h, Qd, 7s]
RiCH@rd Cr@niUM checks
bigspender stands up
the stud bets $775
kellykellymoore calls
RiCH@rd Cr@niUM raises $1,550
Dealing turn: [Th]
Dealing river: [5h]
chemical chris shows [5d, 3d] for two pair, sevens and fives
RiCH@rd Cr@niUM shows [4s, As] for a pair of sevens
the stud shows [5s, Qs] for two pair, Queens and sevens
kellykellymoore shows [7d, 7c] for four sevens
kellykellymoore wins main pot $1,100
kellykellymoore wins side pot $13,575
the stud wins side pot $100
RiCH@rd Cr@niUM wins side pot $775
chemical chris stands
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