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« First ‹ Previous Replies 51 - 60 of 179 Next › Last »
john27 wrote
at 4:22 PM, Monday January 3, 2011 EST
fuck gpokr!!!!

Dealing pocket cards: [4s, 4h]
JABLO calls
hanuta calls
bon bon nuit raises $5,000
chuna folds
lloydy222 calls
fozza7 folds
john27 calls
Pino Scotto folds
JABLO folds
hanuta calls
Dealing flop: [4c, Jd, 9c]
john27 checks
hanuta bets $1,000
bon bon nuit raises $6,000
lloydy222 folds
john27 raises $31,000
hanuta calls
bon bon nuit calls
Dealing turn: [5s]
john27 bets $120,000
hanuta calls
bon bon nuit calls
Dealing river: [8c]
john27 shows [4s, 4h] for three fours
hanuta shows [Jc, 7c] for a flush Jack high
bon bon nuit shows [5c, Ac] for a flush Ace high
bon bon nuit wins main pot $266,500
hanuta wins side pot $139,000
john27 stands up
kellykellymoore wrote
at 8:09 AM, Saturday December 25, 2010 EST
Hi johnnyyy! Hope you and your family have a great holiday! Hugs for Ruby and good luck in the new year!
patchell wrote
at 6:32 AM, Friday December 24, 2010 EST
happy christmas m8
Yule wrote
at 12:19 AM, Sunday November 7, 2010 EDT


kellykellymoore wrote
at 10:58 AM, Tuesday November 2, 2010 EDT
Great job, johnny..=) GL in Nov...
TLP wrote
at 4:52 AM, Monday November 1, 2010 EDT
Nice 2nd John, stolen from my friend Tassle in the last days! LOL
john27 wrote
at 4:50 PM, Tuesday October 26, 2010 EDT

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8c, 5d]
john27 raises $30,000
Dealing flop: [6d, 2c, 7d]
SIMA DAWG bets $60,000
john27 raises $120,000
Dealing turn: [3d]
SIMA DAWG checks
john27 bets $140,000
Dealing river: [4d]
SIMA DAWG checks
john27 bets $120,000
john27 shows [8c, 5d] for a straight flush seven high
SIMA DAWG shows [8d, 7c] for a flush eight high
john27 wins main pot $840,000
john27 wrote
at 4:21 PM, Wednesday September 22, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [2c, 2d]
Russel Wallace calls
Deucem calls
sprigett folds
chemical chris calls
john27 raises $22,500
Matthew James raises $65,000
Russel Wallace folds
Deucem folds
chemical chris folds
john27 calls
Dealing flop: [2s, 9c, 6h]
john27 checks
Matthew James checks
Dealing turn: [7d]
john27 bets $466,250
Matthew James calls
Dealing river: [8h]
john27 shows [2c, 2d] for three twos
Matthew James shows [Kh, Kc] for a pair of Kings
john27 wins main pot $1,087,500
john27 wrote
at 3:08 PM, Friday September 17, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Jh, Jd]
slimboyfat calls
the reg dog calls
sofoklo folds
Deucem folds
Esmo folds
chekira calls
john27 raises $25,000
solitude calls
ace... folds
slimboyfat calls
the reg dog calls
chekira calls
Dealing flop: [Js, 7c, 7h]
solitude checks
slimboyfat checks
the reg dog checks
chekira checks
john27 checks
Dealing turn: [6s]
solitude bets $10,000
slimboyfat folds
the reg dog calls
slimboyfat stands up
chekira calls
john27 calls
Dealing river: [3d]
solitude checks
the reg dog bets $70,000
chekira folds
john27 raises $515,000
solitude folds
the reg dog calls
the reg dog shows [4d, 5s] for a straight seven high
john27 shows [Jh, Jd] for a full house, Jacks full of sevens
john27 wins main pot $464,976
john27 wins side pot $367,512
john27 wrote
at 8:18 AM, Thursday September 16, 2010 EDT
Dealing pocket cards: [6h, 4h]
john27 calls
gpokrcrybabies checks
Dealing flop: [7h, 3h, 9d]
gpokrcrybabies checks
john27 bets $11,000
gpokrcrybabies calls
Dealing turn: [Qd]
gpokrcrybabies bets $10,000
john27 calls
Dealing river: [5c]
gpokrcrybabies checks
john27 bets $63,850
gpokrcrybabies calls
john27 shows [6h, 4h] for a straight seven high
gpokrcrybabies shows [Ts, 5s] for a pair of fives
john27 wins main pot $138,000
john27 wins side pot $16,850
gpokrcrybabies stands up
gpokrcrybabies takes a seat
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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