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« First ‹ Previous Replies 61 - 70 of 179 Next › Last »
john27 wrote
at 5:02 AM, Wednesday September 15, 2010 EDT
Dealing pocket cards: [2d, 2s]
tomy jons calls
Esmo folds
Deucem calls
marschiert calls
jøhnny calls
BILLY JACK 50 calls
Euthanizer calls
SrSousa calls
john27 checks
Dealing flop: [3s, 2h, Tc]
SrSousa checks
john27 checks
tomy jons checks
Deucem bets $10,000
marschiert folds
jøhnny folds
BILLY JACK 50 folds
Euthanizer folds
SrSousa raises $20,000
john27 raises $174,924
tomy jons folds
Deucem calls
SrSousa folds
Dealing turn: [Kd]
Dealing river: [5d]
john27 shows [2d, 2s] for three twos
Deucem shows [Ah, Ac] for a pair of Aces
john27 wins main pot $206,000
john27 wins side pot $85,924
Deucem stands up
kellykellymoore wrote
at 6:36 AM, Friday September 3, 2010 EDT
Great job on that shiny medal! And tahnks for coming to my rescue...=) Hugs
JoFan wrote
at 11:55 AM, Wednesday September 1, 2010 EDT
Congratulations buddy!
TLP wrote
at 11:16 AM, Wednesday September 1, 2010 EDT
Well done John! Congrats on 2nd!
john27 wrote
at 9:40 AM, Thursday August 26, 2010 EDT
when gpokr wants 2 screw u allday it will

Dealing pocket cards: [5c, Ac]
Siouxlander calls
bwana1964dg folds
MrOeko raises $23,000
john27 calls
Stevii folds
Elrolfo folds
bramati folds
Siouxlander calls
Dealing flop: [3d, 8c, Jc]
Siouxlander checks
MrOeko checks
john27 checks
Dealing turn: [9c]
Siouxlander checks
MrOeko checks
john27 checks
Dealing river: [6s]
Siouxlander bets $15,000
MrOeko folds
MrOeko stands up
MrOeko takes a seat
john27 raises $175,000
Siouxlander raises $503,545
john27 calls
john27 shows [5c, Ac] for a flush Ace high
Siouxlander shows [Tc, 7c] for a straight flush Jack high
Siouxlander wins main pot $1,095,500
john27 wrote
at 2:33 PM, Monday August 16, 2010 EDT
gpokr not rigged???

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kd, Ks]
bramati calls
sofoklo folds
Temsi folds
john27 raises $25,000
phillywill folds
NufcFan folds
bramati raises $95,000
john27 calls
Dealing flop: [2h, 6c, 2c]
bramati bets $150,000
john27 raises $370,000
bramati calls
Dealing turn: [9h]
Dealing river: [7h]
bramati shows [7c, 7s] for a full house, sevens full of twos
john27 shows [Kd, Ks] for two pair, Kings and twos
bramati wins main pot $947,500
john27 stands up

Starting Hand
john27 takes a seat
sofoklo folds
Temsi calls
phillywill calls
NufcFan raises $12,500
bramati calls
Temsi calls
phillywill calls
Dealing flop: [9d, Jc, 7d]
NufcFan checks
bramati checks
Temsi bets $5,000
phillywill calls
NufcFan folds
bramati calls
Dealing turn: [5c]
bramati checks
Temsi checks
phillywill bets $35,000
sofoklo stands up
sofoklo takes a seat
bramati folds
Temsi folds
phillywill wins main pot $110,000

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Qs, Js]
Temsi folds
john27 raises $10,000
phillywill folds
NufcFan raises $30,000
bramati folds
sofoklo folds
john27 calls
Dealing flop: [2h, 2d, 6h]
john27 checks
NufcFan checks
Dealing turn: [5h]
john27 checks
NufcFan checks
Dealing river: [7c]
john27 checks
NufcFan bets $50,000
john27 folds
NufcFan wins main pot $117,500

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Kc, Kh]
john27 raises $30,000
phillywill folds
NufcFan raises $55,000
bramati folds
sofoklo folds
Temsi folds
john27 raises $440,000
NufcFan calls
Dealing flop: [5c, Jd, 3c]
Dealing turn: [6d]
Dealing river: [4s]
NufcFan shows [As, Ad] for a pair of Aces
john27 shows [Kc, Kh] for a pair of Kings
NufcFan wins main pot $752,500
john27 wins side pot $97,500
john27 stands up
john27 takes a seat
john27 wrote
at 3:19 PM, Friday August 13, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5h, 8h]
phillywill raises $25,000
Charmed Boy folds
john27 calls
Dari calls
Dealing flop: [4d, 5s, 5c]
john27 checks
Dari checks
phillywill bets $75,000
john27 calls
Dari folds
Dealing turn: [5d]
john27 checks
phillywill bets $100,000
john27 calls
Dealing river: [Kc]
john27 checks
phillywill bets $100,000
john27 raises $305,000
phillywill calls
john27 shows [5h, 8h] for four fives
phillywill shows [9d, Kd] for a full house, fives full of Kings
john27 wins main pot $1,035,000
john27 wrote
at 2:48 PM, Thursday August 12, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [8d, Ad]
john27 raises $15,000
huntincash calls
Charmed Boy raises $25,000
Dari calls
phillywill calls
john27 calls
huntincash calls
Dealing flop: [2s, 8h, 6c]
Dari checks
phillywill checks
john27 checks
huntincash checks
Charmed Boy checks
Dealing turn: [7s]
Dari checks
phillywill checks
john27 bets $45,000
huntincash folds
Charmed Boy calls
Dari calls
phillywill calls
Dealing river: [3s]
Dari checks
phillywill checks
john27 checks
Charmed Boy bets $250,000
Dari folds
phillywill folds
john27 raises $367,500
Charmed Boy calls
Charmed Boy shows [5h, 5d] for a pair of fives
john27 shows [8d, Ad] for a pair of eights
john27 wins main pot $1,040,000
john27 wrote
at 9:13 AM, Wednesday August 11, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5s, 7s]
phillywill calls
john27 calls
maimaimai folds
Couder Chaser calls
bigbeno raises $25,000
phillywill folds
john27 calls
Couder Chaser folds
Dealing flop: [Js, 8h, 6s]
bigbeno bets $55,000
john27 calls
Dealing turn: [4s]
bigbeno bets $85,000
john27 calls
Dealing river: [5d]
bigbeno bets $80,000
john27 raises $270,000
bigbeno calls
bigbeno shows [Ks, Kd] for a pair of Kings
john27 shows [5s, 7s] for a flush Jack high
john27 wins main pot $860,000
john27 wins side pot $15,000
bigbeno stands up
bigbeno takes a seat

john27 wrote
at 3:09 AM, Tuesday August 10, 2010 EDT
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5h, 6h]
rhart3 folds
john27 calls
Koli raises $25,000
john27 calls
Dealing flop: [8d, 7s, 5s]
john27 checks
Koli checks
Dealing turn: [6c]
john27 checks
Koli checks
Dealing river: [5c]
john27 bets $70,000
Koli raises $426,313
john27 calls
john27 shows [5h, 6h] for a full house, fives full of sixs
Koli shows [9s, Ah] for a straight nine high
john27 wins main pot $912,626
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