BHvala, Bog vam dao svako dobro
Sretan Bozic, sve najbolje!!!
Happy Birthday Kacha! I hope you had a great day.
Kacha please do not play more than 1 tourney at a time. It is against the rules to sit at more than 1 table at a time. Thank you for your co-operation in not doing this in the future. Regards TLP
HAHAHAHA Sretan rodjendan sve naj... ::)))
Kacha please do not play more than 1 tourney at a time. It is against the rules to sit at more than 1 table at a time. Thank you for your co-operation in not doing this in the future. Regards TLP
HAHAHAHA Sretan rodjendan sve naj... ::)))
sretan ti rodjendan!!! sve najljepse... :)
hvala :) naravno, cestitke i tebi za dosljednost :)
Kacha please do not play more than 1 tourney at a time. It is against the rules to sit at more than 1 table at a time. Thank you for your co-operation in not doing this in the future. Regards TLP