Level 39
to level 40


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Last 10 Tournaments

Tourny Rank Winnings Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
Mini Freeroll 2
2014-01-02 00:00:00.0
50th $0 2 0 0 -50 / -1,450 -750 $28350
Mini Freeroll 2
2013-12-22 00:00:00.0
17th $0 20 0 2 +2,150 / -1,625 -75 $3750
2500 Nightly Remix
2013-12-19 00:00:00.0
21st $0 5 0 0 -50 / -925 -300 $13938
Mini Freeroll 3
2013-12-17 00:00:00.0
6th $0 91 0 9 +2,850 / -2,524 +0 $63538
Mini Freeroll 2
2013-12-17 00:00:00.0
32nd $0 56 0 2 +2,000 / -1,450 +27 $63538
Members Night
2013-12-17 00:00:00.0
1st $40000 48 0 2 +2,000 / -1,450 +63 $30743
Mini Freeroll 2
2013-12-15 00:00:00.0
4th $6000 49 0 5 +10,875 / -7,425 -31 $24743
Vrijdag Vijfs
2013-12-13 00:00:00.0
5th $0 56 0 1 +600 / -1,362 -80 $43948
Members Night
2013-12-13 00:00:00.0
3rd $20000 36 0 1 +400 / -975 -83 $26348
2500 Nightly Remix
2013-12-13 00:00:00.0
19th $0 3 0 0 -25 / -975 -500 $26348

Career Performance


MonthRankChips Hands Refills Busts Best / Worst Hand Hand Avg Max Chips
May 2014 283rd $23125 14 0 0 +1,475 / -1,450 -134 $25000
January 2014 294th $27250 13 0 0 +1,700 / -1,000 +173 $28350
December 2013 1705th $400 644 12 62 +14,950 / -15,486 -111 $68263
November 2013 291st $28874 37 1 10 +9,724 / -14,450 +64 $29924
October 2013 94th $251986 2531 7 184 +28,332 / -20,000 -13 $253436
September 2013 93rd $258865 1438 17 112 +26,200 / -22,100 +67 $283369
August 2013 168th $83447 1381 27 103 +36,684 / -20,600 +12 $154811
July 2013 2810th $0 2472 42 212 +21,500 / -22,806 -45 $57263
June 2013 489th $13444 1262 32 94 +19,800 / -20,700 -61 $69509
April 2013 1261st $1554 755 30 54 +14,400 / -9,000 -83 $50567
March 2013 1662nd $1500 79 5 1 +2,000 / -1,970 -133 $3750
February 2013 3922nd $0 5 1 0 -50 / -1,450 -600 $1500
January 2013 212th $65641 3761 155 243 +41,143 / -20,300 -45 $114538
December 2012 221st $60168 883 30 65 +30,400 / -16,000 +30 $86301
November 2012 354th $32214 1754 50 166 +33,975 / -31,001 -29 $118095
October 2012 731st $8116 87 4 5 +5,605 / -1,500 +105 $12040
May 2012 763rd $9885 117 4 8 +5,350 / -4,125 +20 $16092
April 2012 460th $22599 753 29 80 +11,774 / -17,200 -20 $62547
March 2012 4459th $0 721 21 61 +12,475 / -5,075 -32 $28491
February 2012 252nd $51452 2460 11 195 +38,800 / -22,400 -17 $181563
January 2012 314th $41853 1447 53 153 +25,300 / -19,200 -6 $115115
December 2011 116th $290479 2066 31 209 +41,800 / -19,500 +83 $295504
November 2011 201st $76169 738 5 81 +21,075 / -42,388 +69 $121605
October 2011 512th $19479 54 5 5 +2,025 / -2,325 -96 $3300
September 2011 390th $28750 30 0 3 +9,825 / -1,900 +125 $31550
August 2011 257th $49054 936 14 64 +48,600 / -18,800 -2 $92446
July 2011 56th $451726 3982 0 416 +37,400 / -33,100 +40 $466760
June 2011 63rd $412983 4231 46 288 +28,420 / -20,000 +22 $409633
May 2011 80th $406715 4277 29 336 +42,700 / -21,400 +29 $384070
April 2011 114th $300400 1863 19 135 +28,234 / -23,000 -15 $334057
March 2011 710th $11041 1928 33 112 +63,239 / -303,992 -100 $303992
February 2011 2944th $1150 53 1 4 +4,537 / -20,000 -478 $25000
January 2011 62nd $556978 2848 12 188 +149,000 / -22,000 +108 $557178
December 2010 1369th $3225 1984 40 156 +46,580 / -50,000 -59 $154620
November 2010 54th $564232 2742 6 194 +34,600 / -24,310 +44 $552382
October 2010 275th $47548 4382 13 305 +116,000 / -99,000 +4 $325155
September 2010 3533rd $0 6039 34 499 +30,650 / -24,500 -24 $181518
August 2010 6124th $0 3290 14 308 +73,556 / -94,500 -8 $228876
July 2010 4671st $0 3453 17 194 +56,709 / -20,014 -4 $149003
May 2010 2595th $1500 0 0 0 +0 / +0 +0 $0
April 2010 136th $200338 2509 0 146 +27,000 / -33,000 +37 $209698
March 2010 299th $57890 7028 12 491 +39,800 / -98,000 -7 $400728
February 2010 226th $94762 2179 26 218 +25,000 / -58,000 -7 $226857
January 2010 526th $33556 3914 4 309 +27,925 / -18,700 -4 $169621
December 2009 254th $85013 1574 6 145 +14,200 / -8,500 +55 $161342
November 2009 515th $31670 3447 38 226 +17,400 / -11,400 -5 $75109
October 2009 239th $100042 5684 37 347 +39,836 / -48,300 +16 $182005
GPokr - Free Texas Holdem Poker
GPokr is a free texas holdem poker game that is played in monthly competitions.
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