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YeahThatsUs wrote
at 9:10 AM, Monday February 25, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [4s, 4d]

armyrock calls

YeahThatsUs raises $2,000

srdavebetterhalf folds

smokinaces79 folds

armyrock raises $8,000

YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing flop: [Th, 4c, 7h]

armyrock bets $21,000

YeahThatsUs raises $79,207

armyrock calls

Dealing turn: [7c]

Dealing river: [Qh]

armyrock shows [Tc, Ac] for two pair, tens and sevens

YeahThatsUs shows [4s, 4d] for a full house, fours full of sevens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $177,914
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 11:23 PM, Sunday February 24, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [As, Td]

actionguy9 calls

Nanomoretto calls

Doekoe22 calls

Kenneth Brown calls

YeahThatsUs raises $5,000

actionguy9 calls

Nanomoretto calls

Doekoe22 folds

Kenneth Brown calls

Dealing flop: [Th, Js, 6h]

Kenneth Brown bets $1,000

YeahThatsUs raises $13,000

actionguy9 calls

Nanomoretto raises $39,000

Kenneth Brown folds

YeahThatsUs calls

actionguy9 calls

Dealing turn: [Ts]

YeahThatsUs bets $32,000

actionguy9 calls

Nanomoretto raises $39,000

Dealing river: [7s]

YeahThatsUs shows [As, Td] for three tens

actionguy9 shows [8s, 7d] for two pair, tens and sevens

Nanomoretto shows [5h, Jh] for two pair, Jacks and tens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $179,000

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $40,000

Nanomoretto wins side pot $7,000

actionguy9 stands up

actionguy9 takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 11:00 PM, Sunday February 24, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [5s, 4s]

ARROWHEAD1 raises $5,000

Kenneth Brown sits out

Kenneth Brown folds

YeahThatsUs calls

Nanomoretto folds

Kenneth Brown sits in

actionguy9 raises $96,250

AzHousePro folds

Doekoe22 folds

Nanomoretto stands up

smitty7471 sits out

smitty7471 folds

jimpap9819 folds


YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing flop: [6s, Ad, 2c]

Dealing turn: [Jh]

Dealing river: [3d]

YeahThatsUs shows [5s, 4s] for a straight six high

actionguy9 shows [Js, Jd] for three Jacks

ARROWHEAD1 shows [8c, Ts] for Ace high

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $42,636

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $73,388

actionguy9 wins side pot $45,844

YeahThatsUs wrote
at 10:31 PM, Sunday February 24, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Js, 8s]

actionguy9 checks

Doekoe22 folds

YeahThatsUs raises $3,000

smitty7471 calls

tomer24 folds

Kenneth Brown folds

Kool Keith folds

Mayday88 calls

actionguy9 calls

Dealing flop: [Ts, 7c, Kc]

Mayday88 bets $5,375

actionguy9 calls

YeahThatsUs calls

smitty7471 calls

Dealing turn: [9h]

actionguy9 bets $31,000

YeahThatsUs calls

smitty7471 folds

Dealing river: [3c]

actionguy9 checks

ARROWHEAD1 takes a seat

YeahThatsUs bets $12,000

actionguy9 calls

Mayday88 shows [Td, 8h] for a pair of tens

actionguy9 shows [Kh, 9s] for two pair, Kings and nines

YeahThatsUs shows [Js, 8s] for a straight Jack high

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $34,000

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $86,000

YeahThatsUs wrote
at 10:23 PM, Sunday February 24, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [Ts, Tc]

YeahThatsUs raises $10,000

Kenneth Brown folds

Kool Keith folds

Mayday88 calls

actionguy9 calls

Doekoe22 folds

Dealing flop: [4h, Kh, Th]

actionguy9 checks

YeahThatsUs bets $10,000

Mayday88 folds

actionguy9 calls

Dealing turn: [7s]

actionguy9 checks

smitty7471 takes a seat

YeahThatsUs bets $23,444

actionguy9 calls

Dealing river: [Qd]

actionguy9 checks

YeahThatsUs bets $10,000

actionguy9 calls

actionguy9 shows [Kc, Ac] for a pair of Kings

YeahThatsUs shows [Ts, Tc] for three tens

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $120,888
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 10:17 PM, Sunday February 24, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [3h, 5c]

Mayday88 sits in

Doekoe22 folds

YeahThatsUs calls

LarsBar raises $2,000

smitty7471 calls

Kool Keith calls

Mayday88 calls

actionguy9 calls

YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing flop: [2d, 4c, Ah]

Mayday88 checks

actionguy9 checks

YeahThatsUs bets $1,000

LarsBar calls

smitty7471 folds

Kool Keith raises $12,000

Mayday88 sits out

Mayday88 folds

actionguy9 folds

YeahThatsUs raises $35,000

LarsBar folds

Mayday88 sits in

Kool Keith raises $84,000

YeahThatsUs raises $61,000

Dealing turn: [Th]

Dealing river: [Jd]

Kool Keith shows [5d, Ac] for a pair of Aces

YeahThatsUs shows [3h, 5c] for a straight five high

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $205,000

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $1,000

Kool Keith stands up

YeahThatsUs wrote
at 11:17 AM, Friday February 22, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [9h, 7s]

lolo 62 takes a seat

YeahThatsUs raises $600

seahawks1970 calls

bazzok folds

Chaffy calls

karaokejohn folds

delpieros folds

mike doo raises $2,900

tetanoss calls

YeahThatsUs calls

seahawks1970 folds

Chaffy folds

Dealing flop: [9d, 9s, 2s]

mike doo bets $13,600

tetanoss calls

YeahThatsUs calls

Dealing turn: [Js]

Dealing river: [2c]

YeahThatsUs shows [9h, 7s] for a full house, nines full of twos

mike doo shows [8c, 8d] for two pair, nines and eights

tetanoss shows [Qh, Ac] for two pair, nines and twos

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $37,575

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $8,950

tetanoss stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 8:31 PM, Sunday January 13, 2013 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [As, 7s]


PROproad calls

Blufffmaster raises $400

Kenneth Brown calls

sorryboutit calls

YeahThatsUs raises $2,200


PROproad folds

Blufffmaster raises $4,000

Kenneth Brown folds

sorryboutit raises $25,200

YeahThatsUs calls

Blufffmaster calls

Dealing flop: [8s, Qs, Ks]

Dealing turn: [3h]

Dealing river: [4h]

sorryboutit shows [Kc, Kh] for three Kings

YeahThatsUs shows [As, 7s] for a flush Ace high

Blufffmaster shows [5s, 3s] for a flush King high

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $36,125

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $19,650

sorryboutit wins side pot $4,000

Blufffmaster stands up

sorryboutit stands up

sorryboutit takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 4:26 PM, Monday November 26, 2012 EST

Starting Hand

Dealing pocket cards: [4d, 8d]

Klaas Bombeke calls

srdavebetterhalf calls

YeahThatsUs calls

joe d calls

avi_25 checks

bayya folds

Two Pines calls

Mikk calls

califblueboxer raises $5,000

Klaas Bombeke folds

Klaas Bombeke sits out

Klaas Bombeke stands up

srdavebetterhalf calls

YeahThatsUs calls

joe d calls

avi_25 folds

Two Pines calls

Mikk folds

Dealing flop: [Qc, 8c, 4c]

califblueboxer checks

srdavebetterhalf checks

YeahThatsUs bets $10,000

joe d folds

Two Pines raises $63,000

califblueboxer folds

srdavebetterhalf folds

JackoAAAAAA takes a seat

YeahThatsUs raises $106,000

Two Pines calls

Dealing turn: [2d]

Dealing river: [4h]

YeahThatsUs shows [4d, 8d] for a full house, fours full of eights

Two Pines shows [Ac, 5c] for a flush Ace high

YeahThatsUs wins main pot $246,000

YeahThatsUs wins side pot $9,000

Two Pines stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 4:09 PM, Thursday January 5, 2012 EST
how i beat kneepiss
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6s, 4c]
lanero takes a seat
kneerockhookers calls
ieatsharks folds
lanero stands up
YeahThatsUs raises $350
Chematic calls
101450ja folds
kneerockhookers calls
Dealing flop: [3d, 5d, 7s]
101450ja stands up
Chematic folds
Chematic stands up
kneerockhookers checks
YeahThatsUs bets $300
kneerockhookers calls
Dealing turn: [Ac]
kneerockhookers checks
YeahThatsUs bets $1,200
kneerockhookers calls
Dealing river: [7d]
kneerockhookers checks
YeahThatsUs checks
YeahThatsUs shows [6s, 4c] for a straight seven high
kneerockhookers shows [Ah, 4d] for two pair, Aces and sevens
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $4,100
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