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YeahThatsUs wrote
at 3:10 PM, Saturday December 31, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [5c, As]
kkstaycool raises $1,450
manomadam sits out
manomadam folds
califblueboxer folds
poker77 calls
cannibale folds
jubaii folds
YeahThatsUs raises $2,950
sharon ODonnell calls
Dealing flop: [Qh, Ac, Ks]
YeahThatsUs raises $2,000
Dealing turn: [Qd]
Dealing river: [Ah]
poker77 shows [3d, 7s] for two pair, Aces and Queens
YeahThatsUs shows [5c, As] for a full house, Aces full of Queens
sharon ODonnell shows [Th, 9c] for two pair, Aces and Queens
@DECKYARSENAL shows [Qs, Kd] for a full house, Queens full of Aces
kkstaycool shows [7h, Kc] for two pair, Aces and Kings
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $6,750
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $600
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $6,900
poker77 stands up
sharon ODonnell stands up
kkstaycool stands up
@DECKYARSENAL takes a seat
manomadam stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 2:31 AM, Wednesday November 30, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7d, 7s]
YeahThatsUs raises $8,250
Dima Martin sits out
Dima Martin folds
vasvak1 calls
rayrayray calls
13blacky12 folds
vasvak1 sits out
vasvak1 sits in
Thomas Oberle sits out
Thomas Oberle folds
Tim Kopp folds
Benjamin Müller folds
Dealing flop: [Jd, 3s, Jh]
vasvak1 sits out
Dealing turn: [7c]
vasvak1 sits in
Dealing river: [4c]
vasvak1 shows [Kh, Kd] for two pair, Kings and Jacks
rayrayray shows [Th, 5d] for a pair of Jacks
YeahThatsUs shows [7d, 7s] for a full house, sevens full of Jacks
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $4,575
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $2,800
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $5,350
vasvak1 stands up
rayrayray stands up
vasvak1 takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 2:18 AM, Wednesday November 30, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [7s, 7c]
Thomas Oberle folds
robbie07 raises $2,400
Benjamin Müller calls
supersam123 folds
Ibekillinem calls
vasvak1 folds
YeahThatsUs raises $9,000
Dima Martin calls
Benjamin Müller calls
Ibekillinem calls
Manu Binder takes a seat
Dealing flop: [As, 9d, Ac]
Dealing turn: [7h]
Dealing river: [7d]
YeahThatsUs shows [7s, 7c] for four sevens
Dima Martin shows [Kc, Kd] for two pair, Aces and Kings
robbie07 shows [6h, 5d] for two pair, Aces and sevens
Benjamin Müller shows [Ah, 9s] for a full house, Aces full of nines
Ibekillinem shows [9c, 9h] for a full house, nines full of Aces
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $12,050
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $2,900
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $2,817
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $1,220
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $4,351
Dima Martin stands up
robbie07 stands up
Benjamin Müller stands up
Ibekillinem stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 1:33 AM, Wednesday November 30, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Ad, Ts]
Manu Binder takes a seat
Benjamin Müller calls
Dima Martin calls
Thomas Oberle calls
Jens Blum raises $3,625
YeahThatsUs raises $16,475
Benjamin Müller folds
Dima Martin folds
Thomas Oberle calls
Dealing flop: [7d, 8s, 6d]
Dealing turn: [2c]
Dealing river: [Ah]
Thomas Oberle shows [Tc, Th] for a pair of tens
Jens Blum shows [Kh, Qs] for Ace high
YeahThatsUs shows [Ad, Ts] for a pair of Aces
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $11,050
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $25,750
Jens Blum stands up
Jens Blum takes a seat
Rabid Womble takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 7:59 PM, Tuesday November 29, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Tc, 5c]
NOMNOMPICKLES takes a seat
ZENAT sits out
ZENAT checks
tiks777 checks
YeahThatsUs raises $550
Charles David calls
Garrett12143 folds
Kibble95 folds
koolboy357 raises $4,975
koolboy357 sits out
mark3539 calls
ZENAT folds
tiks777 calls
YeahThatsUs calls
Charles David calls
Dealing flop: [Th, Td, Ts]
koolboy357 sits in
Dealing turn: [Ad]
Dealing river: [Ac]
YeahThatsUs shows [Tc, 5c] for four tens
Charles David shows [Ks, Qh] for a full house, tens full of Aces
koolboy357 shows [7s, 9d] for a full house, tens full of Aces
mark3539 shows [As, Qs] for a full house, Aces full of tens
tiks777 shows [7h, 6d] for a full house, tens full of Aces
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $11,350
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $9,600
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $300
Charles David wins side pot $250
koolboy357 wins side pot $250
mark3539 stands up
tiks777 stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 12:25 AM, Monday November 21, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Th, Qh]
raubap checks
Blairr calls
Basket J folds
OneMoreTry folds
haloducks calls
YeahThatsUs raises $1,564
raubap folds
Blairr calls
haloducks calls
Dealing flop: [7d, 5s, 5h]
cornfed takes a seat
haloducks checks
YeahThatsUs bets $3,333
Blairr calls
haloducks calls
Dealing turn: [Td]
haloducks checks
YeahThatsUs bets $21,803
showme takes a seat
Blairr calls
haloducks calls
Dealing river: [Ac]
haloducks shows [4d, 6h] for a pair of fives
YeahThatsUs shows [Th, Qh] for two pair, tens and fives
Blairr shows [9h, 9d] for two pair, nines and fives
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $58,700
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $5,600
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $4,600
haloducks stands up
Blairr stands up
haloducks takes a seat
Poison12 wrote
at 4:22 PM, Friday November 18, 2011 EST
i think its better u leave me ur e-mail address here is mine: [email protected]
then I'll send u that link, better than post it here...have a nice day:)
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 8:34 PM, Thursday November 10, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9s, 9d]
YeahThatsUs raises $550
catt62 folds
bingo au go go calls
Lover of Boobs raises $1,337
catt62 stands up
mickeysbigmouth calls
YeahThatsUs raises $9,550
bingo au go go calls
mickeysbigmouth calls
Dealing flop: [6d, 9c, 9h]
Dealing turn: [5c]
Dealing river: [Ah]
YeahThatsUs shows [9s, 9d] for four nines
bingo au go go shows [3d, 3h] for two pair, nines and threes
Lover of Boobs shows [Kc, 2h] for a pair of nines
mickeysbigmouth shows [5s, 7d] for two pair, nines and fives
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $5,448
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $4,239
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $1,008
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $6,821
bingo au go go stands up
Lover of Boobs stands up
mickeysbigmouth stands up
bingo au go go takes a seat
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 2:36 PM, Wednesday January 5, 2011 EST
Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [Tc, 3c]
dlyons calls
1plus111 calls
WESM takes a seat
duffman1 folds
jazzy15 calls
S SPADE checks
fagan99 calls
YeahThatsUs raises $875
Eric17 folds
dlyons calls
1plus111 calls
jazzy15 folds
S SPADE folds
fagan99 folds
Dealing flop: [Td, 5c, 7c]
YeahThatsUs bets $3,250
dlyons folds
1plus111 calls
Dealing turn: [3d]
Dealing river: [3s]
YeahThatsUs shows [Tc, 3c] for a full house, threes full of tens
1plus111 shows [8d, 9h] for a pair of threes
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $9,400

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [6h, 6s]
1plus111 calls
duffman1 folds
jazzy15 calls
S SPADE calls
WESM raises $1,450
fagan99 folds
YeahThatsUs raises $9,400
Eric17 sits out
Eric17 folds
dlyons folds
1plus111 folds
jazzy15 folds
S SPADE calls
Dealing flop: [6d, 2d, 6c]
Dealing turn: [9d]
Dealing river: [Td]
YeahThatsUs shows [6h, 6s] for four sixs
S SPADE shows [Ah, 5s] for a pair of sixs
WESM shows [Kd, Ts] for a flush King high
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $4,525
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $100
YeahThatsUs wins side pot $7,900
S SPADE stands up
WESM stands up
YeahThatsUs wrote
at 12:05 AM, Tuesday January 4, 2011 EST
On the road again!!!

Starting Hand
Dealing pocket cards: [9d, 5h]
Ollie_Hold takes a seat
Merlotsky calls
matias44 calls
Ian_K raises $500
telas poncho calls
crazy mike folds
mastr QI calls
Troy11 calls
YeahThatsUs calls
Merlotsky calls
matias44 calls
Dealing flop: [7h, 4s, 8h]
Troy11 bets $4,500
YeahThatsUs calls
Merlotsky calls
matias44 folds
Ian_K folds
telas poncho folds
mastr QI folds
Dealing turn: [Ad]
Dealing river: [6d]
YeahThatsUs shows [9d, 5h] for a straight nine high
Merlotsky shows [Qs, Kh] for Ace high
Troy11 shows [Jc, 8s] for a pair of eights
YeahThatsUs wins main pot $12,950
Troy11 wins side pot $2,700
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