Level 36
to level 37


VOTE: Give me my voice back!
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This player has been modded by the community

reinstated, dont blow it again...been 4 yrs, please respect others +chat +post gnice37 10:47 PM, Monday December 4, 2023 EST
no posting ability for threatening to harm someone!! -post KC 97 10:29 AM, Monday August 23, 2021 EDT
dude, all you had to do was leave her alone....dont reinstate -chat gnice37 11:02 PM, Monday March 4, 2019 EST
please respect others....thx and gl +chat +post gnice37 11:03 PM, Monday February 11, 2019 EST
reinstated +play gnice37 10:08 PM, Friday August 31, 2018 EDT
removed for language towards lulu jamby, http://gpokr.com/games/82295204 -chat -play -post gnice37 4:21 PM, Tuesday August 28, 2018 EDT
chat and post restored...next time will be longer..please respect people... +chat +post KC 97 1:07 PM, Saturday July 28, 2018 EDT
you have been warned before about harrassing people and disrespectful comments.doesnt matter if you are a member here or not...you cant treat people the way that you do..last time was 7 days ..this time 1 month no chat...or post... -chat -post KC 97 12:05 PM, Friday June 29, 2018 EDT
chat and post restored...next time longer...have respect for people... +chat +post KC 97 2:24 PM, Tuesday April 12, 2016 EDT
disrespecting a mod and calling him names -chat -post KC 97 11:53 PM, Tuesday April 5, 2016 EDT
chat restored. please keep the language clean +chat gnice37 2:07 PM, Friday May 8, 2015 EDT
asked player to keep language clean. decided not to and kept it up. removed chat for 3 days -chat gnice37 9:47 PM, Monday May 4, 2015 EDT
restored +play kellykellymoore 9:36 PM, Sunday May 20, 2012 EDT
losing chips while sitting out -play kellykellymoore 9:36 PM, Sunday May 20, 2012 EDT

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Reviews 1 - 2 of 2

He changed a lot, now playing decent, no hatrate, just joining playing leaving, good to see like this
Ramu the hacker on Thursday June 11, 2020
Complete and utter tool box full of half bent nails that gave this user tetanus after shoving their face into the rusty nails who has no respect for others, except for a giant black magnetic dildo covered with rusty nails that happens to be implanted in this user's anus. I love all people, except this pile of flaming cow dung who doesn't know how to not talk trash for no reason.
c0rrupt on Tuesday June 28, 2016
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