Level 56
to level 57

Big Al Rogorson

And you can make book on that!
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This player has been modded by the community

Racist comments is against the rules. You can curse, call names, or whatever...but blatant racist comments are not allowed in any way shape or form. If you do not like a player, then remove yourself from the table or do not chat with them. Chat and Post abilities are banned until further notice. -chat -post annat 5:02 PM, Sunday February 25, 2024 EST
Racist comments is against the rules. You can curse, call names, or whatever...but blatant racist comments are not allowed in any way shape or form. If you do not like a player, then remove yourself from the table or do not chat with them. Chat and Post abilities are banned until further notice. -chat -post annat 5:02 PM, Sunday February 25, 2024 EST
your time is up...any complaints about you or any disrespectful comments to people at tables and you will find yourself without chat permanently...hope you learned from your 1year chat ban...also includes calling players names...and making fun of players who lose to you... +chat +post KC 97 9:46 PM, Sunday December 17, 2023 EST
after seeing your comments at the tables this am bad mouthing the mods and calling us names, you are being chat banned for all the disrespect,rude comments,and baiting people at tables to start arguements,after many many times told to stop you continue to do the same...if you come on with a different account that will be chat banned also...length of ban will be until Dec 18th 2023...maybe this will change your attitude toward others -chat -post KC 97 3:41 PM, Sunday December 18, 2022 EST
Time served, Please refrain from stirring trouble at tables going forward, thanks +chat +post TLP 5:09 PM, Friday March 19, 2021 EDT
Deliberately causing problems and baiting people at the table, warned 4 times to stop but ignored. Chat ban for 2 weeks as this is not the first time you have been controversial -chat -post TLP 5:30 PM, Friday March 5, 2021 EST
reinstated +chat +play +post gnice37 10:20 PM, Tuesday July 21, 2020 EDT
take some time off and grow up -chat -play -post gnice37 2:01 PM, Sunday July 19, 2020 EDT
forum post turned off, reinstated post +post gnice37 10:03 PM, Wednesday September 9, 2015 EDT

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