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Kool Keith wrote
at 7:20 PM, Sunday December 2, 2012 EST
Hey good lookin' how have you been?
Wentworth Miller wrote
at 5:44 AM, Wednesday March 24, 2010 EDT
i miss you too..
Wentworth Miller wrote
at 5:44 AM, Saturday December 26, 2009 EST
Hey! :) happy holidays (bit late but oh well)

i wish u a good year :)
masuhujo wrote
at 1:33 AM, Monday December 7, 2009 EST
Happy holidays, woman!!!!!!!!
You SANTAmental yet?? I told the big bearded guy you were very good past year; he should bring you a nice present ;)
take care, Maria
Wentworth Miller wrote
at 5:45 AM, Sunday October 25, 2009 EDT
Heya. i miss talking to you... :o
Kool Keith wrote
at 1:29 AM, Monday October 12, 2009 EDT
How are you darlin'?
THUGnasty14 wrote
at 12:44 PM, Sunday June 7, 2009 EDT
masuhujo wrote
at 3:02 AM, Wednesday December 24, 2008 EST
Mewwy Chwistmas!!
masuhujo wrote
at 3:02 AM, Wednesday December 24, 2008 EST
Barbie's Christmas List! :o)

c/o Mattel, Inc.
El Segundo, CA 90245

Santa Claus
North Pole, North Pole
December 23, 1996

Dear Santa:

Listen you ugly little troll, I've been helping you out every year, playing at being the perfect Christmas
Present, wearing skimpy bathing suits in frigid weather, and drowning in fake tea from one too many
tea parties, and I hate to break it to ya Santa, but IT'S DEFINITELY PAYBACK TIME! There had
better be some changes around here this Christmas, or I'm gonna call for a nationwide meltdown (and
trust me, you won't wanna be around to smell it). So, here's my holiday wish list for 1998:


1. A nice, comfy pair of sweat pants and a frumpy, oversized sweatshirt. I'm sick of looking like a hooker.
How much smaller are these bathing suits gonna get? Do you have any idea what it feels
like to have nylon and velcro crawling up your butt?

2. Real underwear that can be pulled on and off. Preferably white. What bonehead at Mattel decided to
cheap out and MOLD imitation underwear to my skin?!? It looks like cellulite!

3. A REAL man...maybe GI Joe. Hell, I'd take Tickle-Me Elmo over that wimped-out excuse for a boytoy Ken. And what's with that earring anyway? If I'm gonna have to suffer with him, at least make him (and me) anatomically correct.

4. Arms that actually bend so I can push the aforementioned Ken-wimp away once he is anatomically correct.

5. Breast reduction surgery. I don't care whose arm you have to twist, get it done.

6. A jogbra. To wear until I get the surgery.

7. A new career. Pet doctor and school teacher just don't cut it. How about a systems analyst? Or better yet,
a public relations senior account exec!

8. A new, more 90s persona. Maybe "PMS Barbie", complete with a miniature container of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream and a bag of chips; "Animal Rights Barbie", with my very own paint gun,
outfitted with a fake fur coat, bottle of spray on blood and handcuffs; or "Stop Smoking Barbie," sporting a removable Nicotrol patch and equipped with several packs of gum.

9. No more McDonald's endorsements. The grease is wrecking my vinyl.

10. Mattel stock options. It's been 37 years--I think I deserve it.

Ok, Santa, that's it. Considering my valuable contribution to society, I don't think these requests are out of line.
If you disagree, then you can find yourself a new bitch for next Christmas.

It's that simple.

Yours truly,
Wentworth Miller wrote
at 6:36 PM, Sunday November 23, 2008 EST
I missed u baby :) it was good seeing u again :)
I love you 2 :)
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